Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'm not getting much sleep nowadays. I'm staying up way too late and getting up a little too late. It's not healthy, and I'm getting awfully cranky about pretty much everything. You know, cause I'm not normally cranky. Anyway, I feel really exhausted, so I'm going to bed in a few minutes (11:30 EDT? WTF???!?!?1!?)

Before then, some ultimate talk. I had my first Pro League game last night... we did OK but lost in the end. I caught a score by effectively pulling my poacher's pants down (he poached, so I busted deep to score uncontested). Instead of handling, I was primarily playing middle and deep, which I enjoyed. I'm liking the team depth thing. I'd like to spend the rest of the summer being a cutter, and dropping my lazy-handler habits. And working on defense, of course. Luckily our team is deep enough with handling talent that I can do all of that. I hope. I don't expect to see much of the disc, but the point is to get a rhythm back.

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