Thursday, April 20, 2006

Population Tesh

For your entertainment, I present this picture of John Tesh, courtesy of The Mighty MJD's recent post praising Tesh's classic NBA theme song, "Roundball Rock"...

Look closely at this picture. Sure, it's a guy best known for appealing to Republican music tastes wearing an outfit I'd have worn in high school. But check out the t-shirt. It's Strong Bad... the one and only.

I'm not an out-and-out Tesh-hater. He deserves a reprieve from the bowels of hell for "Roundball Rock," which is the greatest TV sports theme ever composed. But beyond his work for NBC Sports, he composes symphonies in Douche major. Further, he is best known for being on Entertainment Tonight, a show that brings new meaning to the phrase "absolutely fucking vapid." John Tesh would be hard to redeem. This photo, however, just might do it.

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